Zepdji Paul

Paul Zepdji was “The photographer of Thessaloniki” in de last decades of the 19th century and the first decade of the 20th century. His photographs which depicted Thessaloniki street scenes and people from all ethnic groups have been reproduced in many 19th century postcards. Paul Zepdji was Armenian (like many pioneers photographers in the second […]
Zheliazkov Serbezov

Born in 1873 in Demircha village in Romania, died in 1937. Graduated in painting under Prof. I. Mrkvicka and Prof. B. Mitov from the Academy of Fine Arts, Sofia in 1899. Graduated from the Studio of Ilya Repin. Secretary of the Union of the South Bulgarian Artists “Lada” and one of the initiators for the […]
Zhekov Mario

Born on October 16, 1898. in Stara Zagora. He studied painting in Paris and Sofia. Worked in landscape, mainly seascape. He has traveled and lived in France, Italy, Greece, Turkey. Member of the Society of South Bulgarian Artists. Since 1920. arranges many solo exhibitions, participates in group exhibitions. He exhibited his works in Paris, Marseille, […]