Klein Roelof
Born on February 6, 1915 in Leeuwaarden, died on November 15, 1981 in Haarlem, The Netherlands. He was autodictat (self-educated) painter who developed unique expressionistic style with cubistic elements. Mainly worked with watercolor and pencil. Member of several Haarlem art groups, like “Kunst is Onze Doel” and “De Groep”. He was a painter, sculptor and […]
Kuch Carlos
“Carlos Kuch” is an artist pseudonym for German painter Karl Opferkuch (Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 1899 – 1966, Hochgebirge). He was a landscape painter. Little is known about his life/ However he probably was German soldier in the First World War. Two of his watercolors – Street in Ushkub (Skopje) 1917 and Street in Veles 1917 are […]
Kuba Ludvik
Born in Podebrady on 16.04.1863, died in Prague on 30.11.1956. Ludvik Kuba was Czech landscape painter, musician, writer, collector of folk traditions and a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts. Ludvík Kuba studied to play the organ and privately learned drawing from Bohuslav Schnirch and Karel Liebscher. He was accepted to the Academy of […]
Kron Bela
An early twentieth century Hungarian painter and etcher, Bela Kron studied art techniques at the Budapest Academy, student of Viktor Olgyai, István Réti. Exhibited at Budapest Palace of Art (Műcsarnokban) and Budapest National Salon (Budapesten) between 1909 and 1919. During the First World War served with the military in Macedonia. In 1920s, he lived in […]
Krommer Hermann Helmut
Born in Oprava (Troppau), Poland on 17.9.1891, died in Boston, USA on 6.6.1973. After graduating from the German state High School in 1910, he started taking art lessons from the academic painter Adolf Zdrazila. In 1910, Krommer served as a volunteer for one year at the Royal German infantry regiment Nr.1 in Troppau and Mostar. […]
Krizman Tomislav
Born in Orlovac near Karlovac on 21.07.1882, died in Zagreb on 24.10.1955. Krizman graduated from the Trade School in Zagreb and studied graphics and art from professors Bela Čikoši-Sesi and Menci Clement Crnchić. Between 1903-09 he studied art and drawing at the Art academy in Vienna. There he worked and exhibited with leading Yugoslav artist, […]
Kozhuharov Nikola
Born on 11th January 1892 in Kazanluk, died on 1st June 1971 in Sofia. Studied painting at the Art Industrial School in Sofia in the class of Prof. Ivan Mrkvichka and Prof. Ceno Todorov before 1914. Next year he studied art at the Art Academy in Paris in the class of Prof. Fernan Kormon. Since […]
Korthals Jan
Born on 01.05.1916 in Amsterdam, he was described as the “last Amsterdam impressionist”. At the age of 19, he became a member of the influential Amsterdam art group “Saint Lucas”. Studied at the Antwerp Art Academy, and was a student of the famous Dutch painter M.H. Macenzie. After the W.W. 2, he moved to Switzerland […]
Kolesnikov Fedorovich Stepan
Born in the village of Adrianopol, Ukraine in 1879, died in Belgrade in 1955, Stepan Kolesnikoff was one of the leading Russian immigrant painters. He began his art studies at the Odessa Art School in the class of A. Popov and K. Kostandi. Being one of the best students, he got the right to enter […]
Kodzamanov Rusev Tihomir
Born on 21st December 1892 in Gabrovo, died on 5th May 1975 in Sofia. He graduated from the Industrial Art School in Sofia in 1913 in the class of Prof. Ivan Mrkvicka. Specializes in Fine Art Academy in Vienna between 1923-25 in the class of Prof. Julius Jungfirt. He painted mainly landscapes and portraits. He […]