Barkoff Alexander

Born on September 4, 1870, in Helsinki, Finland, died in 1942 in Athens, Greece. He studied art between 1890 and 1895 at the Art Academy in Helsinki. Made study trips to Paris and Florence afterwards. Since 1927, he moved to Greece where he lived in Thessaloniki and Athens until the end of his life. There, […]
Banchev Yakim

Yakim Kazandziev Banchev, born on 6th August 1884 in Lovech, Bulgaria. Well know Bulgarian military painter, who visited Macedonia with the Bulgarian army during Balkan Wars. Studied art before 1904 at the Fine Art Academy “Alberina” in Тorino, Italy, together with some leading Bulgarian painters like Nikola Ganushev and Maksim Tzankov. Winner of multiple medals […]
Balke Charles Theodor

Born on April 29, 1875, in Faulquemont in the Moselle region of France, Balke was a student of Bouveray and Suvand in Paris. He became an exhibiting member of the Paris Salons in 1920s and in 1929 exhibited at the Salon de la Nationale des Beaux-Arts under name Balke-Gry. Listed in Benezit. Theodor Charles Balke […]
Bain George

George Bain is referred as “the father of the modern Celtic design”. Born in Scrabster (Caithness), educated in Edinburg. In 1951 he wrote his most famous book “Celtic Art: The Methods of Creation”. In 1978, a retrospective exhibition of his work was held in Kirkcaldy. His collection is held by the Groam House Museum in […]