Born in Cahors on September 29, 1895, and died on June 18, 1974, in Paris. French painter and plastic artist. He studied first medicine until the Great war started in 1914. He was first sent to the French front in Toulouse and then in 1917 with the Army of the orient to Macedonia in Thessaloniki and Monastir (Bitola). In 1918 he got sick from Malaria and returned to Nice for treatment. In this period he mеt cartoonist Sem, During his stay in Macedonia he produced 23 watercolor drawings with satirical scenes from the daily life of Macedonian farmers, which were later published in the book “ En Macédoine sous la Montagne bleue – Campagne d’Orient 1917-1918” . The trauma from the First world war will remain with him until the end of his life. After the war, he decided to become an artist. First, he lived in Algiers where he got influenced by orientalism. Later, his style was influenced by cubism, surrealism, and constructivism. Peyrissac traveled through Europe, in the 1920s he stayed at Bauhaus Germany, where he met Kandinski and Paul Klee. He started to produce sculptures with metal, rope and wood, with dynamics in their composition. During the Second world war, he got an assignment from the famous French art dealer and publisher Aimé Maeght. After the war, he continued to live and work in Algiers and Paris, where he produced numerous constructivist drawings and sculptures.
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