Born on 01.05.1916 in Amsterdam, he was described as the “last Amsterdam impressionist”. At the age of 19, he became a member of the influential Amsterdam art group “Saint Lucas”. Studied at the Antwerp Art Academy, and was a student of the famous Dutch painter M.H. Macenzie. After the W.W. 2, he moved to Switzerland from where he made many study trips to Paris, London. Italy, Spain, Belgium Greece and Yugoslavia. He became a very successful painter of calendar and postcard illustrations. His post-impressionistic style that reminds of the famous Amsterdam painter G.H. Breitner has brought him a big fame and success in the Netherlands and abroad. Jan Korthals visited Macedonia around 1952. He made at least one illustration – a street view of Ohrid, sold by auction house De Elland in Diemen in September 2010.

Konstantin Miladinov?
The Mystery of an old photograph from Ohrid
While searching for “Macedonian art” I run in June 2015 to a Romanian antique photos dealer, Mrs. Margarit Sorin from Bucharest Romania. From her vast